Gas Injection Field Work
Gas storage fields are an asset to gas distribution companies. They enable the purchase and storage of gas during off-peak times and act as a buffer when gas flows are high during winter months.
Gas storage fields require constant maintenance and equipment replacement or upgrades. Midwestern Contractors has a long history of maintenance work in gas storage fields. The company has built, installed and maintained well huts, gathering lines, water injection lines, slug catchers, heaters and gas control systems.
This type of work requires capabilities in underground construction, horizontal directional drilling, pipe fitting, welding, fusion, civil, concrete, electrical and fiber optic control. Midwestern Contractors has developed an array of capabilities to meet the needs of our customers in the oil and gas industry. The following photos illustrate some of the maintenance work we have performed in gas storage fields.
Midwestern Contractors can assist you with your gas storage field maintenance needs. Please click on request a project and one of our estimators will contact you.